Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-09-03-Speech-3-395"

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"Madam President, I wish to thank the Commissioner for that extremely clear exposition of his position and the confirmation that, once we have concluded our proceedings in Parliament (in a positive manner tomorrow, I hope), there is more work than can and will be done by himself and others in the Commission to ensure that what Parliament wants is put into effect. I wish to thank my colleagues for their contributions, despite the fact that I do not agree with their every interpretation. That is probably understandable because this is undoubtedly a very complex matter. Despite the very open way in which I have proceeded with the work, it is inevitable that some of the interpretations of its outcome will be politicised or maybe even misunderstood. However, I believe it is in the interests of the consumer and in the wider interests of clarification that we proceed in the way we have agreed. I am proud of the work I have done. I am proud also of the work that others have done to help me. The smiles and acceptances of the shadow rapporteurs during the proceedings gave me confidence that they would support me, not only this evening, but also with their groups tomorrow. Therefore, I hope that on consideration, and having heard the very sensible and positive contribution by the Commissioner tonight, they will come back tomorrow and allow us to go forward in total unanimity to make sure that Europe is a better place for travellers, a better place for consumers and a better place for enforcing competition policy in future years."@en1

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