Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-06-24-Speech-2-057"

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"I have several remarks on sometimes misleading wording, which has largely been used here also. ‘The Irish will’, ‘ cause’ or ‘ no’, ‘the decision of killer of Lisbon’: all that and similar vocabulary should be put aside. The outcome of the vote in Ireland is to be respected, but not mythologised unrealistically. If the greater part of those taking part in the vote expressed their discord and non-confidence in the Irish Government’s policies relating to the main external item, the true political interpretation of it is a question for Irish society. But other measures are needed for a realistic assessment of what is happening. Those who voted ‘no’ represent only one third of the total Irish electorate. The result was decided by 4% of actual voters. Therefore there is a little reason to praise or to blame Irish people. Polling statistics show Irish men voting ‘yes’, while women voted ’no’. There were more politically active women in Ireland, as men supposedly stayed in pubs. While younger people voted ‘no’, about 60% of those aged over 55, supposedly less emotional but wiser, voted ‘yes’. You see there are several identities inside Ireland, not just two, too easily defined respectively as heroic democrats or bloody anti-Europeans. We should neither praise nor blame all Irish people when only half of them went to vote and the Government showed its indifference as well. Be realistic and correct, that is my proposal. Otherwise the EU should be obliged to ask Ireland if it wishes to be in the Lisbon Europe or not."@en1
"Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE )"1

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