Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-02-21-Speech-4-164"

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". The demographic challenge faced by Europe is enormous. This is a perfectly relevant subject for discussion at European level – I addressed it myself as the author of an opinion on flexicurity. However, an essential condition is that the starting point for the discussion is that most of the measures proposed, such as a later retirement age, a prudent family policy, good conditions for parental leave etc., come under the subsidiarity principle. A number of proposals in the wide range of solutions, to say the least, that the report mentions are practised and have worked well in Sweden. However, that does not mean that they would turn out equally well in other parts of Europe. The fundamental problem with Mrs Castex’s report is not therefore the intention, but that most of what is discussed relates to policies that should be conducted by the Member States – sometimes at municipal level. I therefore voted in favour of amendments which stressed the subsidiarity principle and abstained in the final vote."@en1

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