Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-02-20-Speech-3-215"

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lpv:translated text
"In the seventh year of implementation of the Lisbon Strategy, the European Parliament’s evaluation of the current situation in the European Union, takes into account the new conditions characterising the years 2007-2008. In the light of last year’s and this year’s experience, namely uncertainty and increased risk in financial markets, it makes sense to devote particular attention to the macro-economic stability of the Community. Discipline in the euro area, and especially maintaining this discipline, is of major importance. Nonetheless, under the conditions of a deregulated, global financial system, the main responsibility falls upon the nation states, in the form of taking care to keep public finances in balance. This area leaves much to be desired, even in countries that think of themselves as the ‘engines’ of integration, particularly when they can count on a lenient tariff from the European Commission. One demand that has gone unmet for some years is genuine liberalisation of the EU market, especially the services market, which would create a more genuine competitive pressure and would finally eliminate protective barriers, which no longer consist in regulations of statutory ranking, as more concealed ways have been found of making life difficult for foreign competitors. The unfinished business of building an EU internal market means that the potential for enterprise and creativity in a Community of 27 countries is not being fully utilised. The costs of this shortfall are estimated at EUR 150 billion. These are sufficient reasons for the question of liberalisation of the common market to occupy a prominent position in reports evaluating the state of and growth prospects for the European economy."@en1
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