Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-01-16-Speech-3-011"

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". Mr President, President-in-Office of the European Council, President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, it is fortunate that the desire of the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats for Europe in 2008 to be effective and able to respond to the concerns of its citizens coincides with the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union. The EU and your Presidency must play their part in resolving the issue of Kosovo’s status. The bridging role between East and West that Slovenia has often played in Europe historically and geographically is an asset for the EU and its Member States. At the crossroads of all the influences that have marked the history of our continent, Slovenia is a constant thoroughfare for people, goods and cultural currents of all kinds. Slovenia will be the ideal promoter of dialogue between the different cultures, creeds and religious and spiritual traditions in the context of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. Mr President, President-in-Office, ladies and gentlemen, this I say on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, I look forward to an effective Europe in 2008, a successful Europe. The EU Presidency is undoubtedly a considerable challenge for a country like Slovenia, particularly in view of its human resources and the size of its government administration, as you have said. However, President-in-Office, other EU Member States – Luxembourg, Austria – have proved many times over that European conviction, tradition and performance are not measured by the size of countries. All the best to the Slovenian Presidency! Slovenia, your beloved country, Prime Minister Janša, is indeed a country that works. The macroeconomic indicators and nature of the political debate prove this. Slovenians are in the vanguard of making people feel they belong to Europe. Slovenians are among the most effective at achieving the Lisbon objectives. During her journey to EU accession and since 2004, Slovenia has achieved many successes. What we have done, or not quite done, in 50 years, Slovenia has managed to do in 10, while making the difficult transition from socialism to a market economy, without disrupting society. A strong privatised economy, stable inflation, rising salaries, a relatively low unemployment rate and above all a strong currency that enabled you to join the euro in 2007. You have also joined the Schengen area and you are now the first of the new Member States to take the reins of the EU. The Slovenian Presidency undeniably marks the integration of the new Member States within the European Union. By taking responsibility for following through the ratification process of the Lisbon Treaty, by directing the efforts being made by the 27 Member States to meet the challenges Europe has to face in terms of energy and climate change, growth and employment, by continuing the integration process of the Western Balkans, by contributing through your initiatives to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, which will provide the chance to reaffirm the values of openness, tolerance and dialogue that are at the heart of the European project, the Slovenian Presidency is showing that the countries that have joined the EU since 2004 are now familiar not only with the EU’s institutional affairs, but also with its internal functioning and the way Europe asserts its interests at international level. President of the Council, the PPE-DE Group will be alongside you, supporting the achievement of your priority objectives. The future of Europe will be played out with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. Effectiveness is therefore vital if ratification is to be achieved so that new instruments are available by the time of the European Parliament elections in 2009. Our group will also support your efforts to launch the new cycle of the Lisbon Strategy effectively and to guarantee a prosperous, equitable and environmentally-friendly future for Europe and ensure our economy is in a good position to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation. Therefore, to create favourable conditions for social growth, to make knowledge and innovation drivers for growth and to find answers for demographic challenges, energy supply and climate change, Europe must play a dominant role in negotiations with its global partners on a post-Kyoto system. President-in-Office of the Council, concerning the Balkans and the prospects for the Western Balkans joining Europe, we will support your efforts to foster stability and cooperation in the region, because the security and prosperity of the whole EU depend on this."@en1

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