Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-02-13-Speech-2-126"

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lpv:translated text
"Two days before the European Commission officially adopted the Strategic Energy Review and other reports on the energy sector in January 2007 published the findings of an energy sector survey. The survey clearly shows that energy issues, be it climate change or future shortages of energy, are not considered a priority by European Union citizens. Energy issues were ranked twelfth in a list of the most serious issues that Europe should now confront. Energy issues lag far behind unemployment, crime, healthcare or the economic situation. It is disconcerting that the citizens of Europe are convinced that the root causes of energy problems are to be found on continents and in countries other than the European Union. Almost a quarter of European citizens admitted that they do nothing to decrease their energy consumption. The public has only a vague awareness of the fact that energy prices will continue to rise in the long run. We stand at the threshold of a new industrial revolution that will have to address energy-related issues and climate change, presenting us with pragmatic objectives that are at the same time utterly political in nature. If our efforts are to succeed, we need to secure the broadest possible support from EU citizens in implementing these objectives, and Member State governments should stop beating around the bush and instead address the outstanding issues."@en1
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