Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-07-05-Speech-3-059"

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"Mr President, Mr Vanhanen, ladies and gentlemen, you, Mr Vanhanen, like the President of the Barroso Commission, often referred in your speech to the need to give a boost to the Europe of results in order to regain the citizens' trust, naturally without pitting this Europe against the Europe of values and of the Constitution. When it comes to dividing up the work that exists in this Parliament, I, as rapporteur for REACH, belong to the category of sherpas, of those who work to deliver results, like my colleague, Mrs Gebhardt. For this reason, I very much welcomed the fact that you have included among the priorities of your Presidency the conclusion of the legislative process on REACH and that you have done so by including it in the ‘competitiveness’ chapter. The main purpose of REACH is, of course, to protect human health and the environment, but it is also a powerful incentive for innovation. From this perspective, both the Council and Parliament have done an excellent job over the years of work that we have behind us, because they have reconciled their positions to a great extent and have made this instrument much more usable, and have done so, too, in an effort to boost innovation. I am sure that, under your Presidency, an agreement at second reading will be possible. Both legislators will nevertheless have to make progress. A small amount of progress, since there has already been a great deal of convergence, but progress will still always have to be made. I am saying this to you because there will be those who advise you to stand firm and make no concessions. I, on the other hand, am willing to make progress and I am sure that you will be too."@en1

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