Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-03-16-Speech-4-036"

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"Ladies and gentlemen, I too would like to thank Mr Trakatellis for an excellent report. I fully support his idea of splitting it into two parts, one dealing with health promotion and the other with promoting consumer protection in 2007–2013. I too have contributed several amendments to this report, and I am glad that some of them have been adopted, in particular the amendment concerning the new Member States, which is the most important one to me. There are some striking differences between the healthcare systems of the EU Member States. The new Member States seem to be in an inferior position in this regard, as they face major healthcare challenges and have little funding available for improving the situation. Insufficient spending on healthcare is a major obstacle to the development of these states and to the growth of the European Union as a whole. It is necessary to increase awareness of the possibility of financing healthcare programmes from EU structural funds. For the new Member States, this information could be a source of hope, providing an opportunity to raise the quality of services. It is unfortunate that, in accordance with the subsidiarity principle, the healthcare sector does not fall under the purview of the European Union and is therefore subject to national legislation. I appreciate the effort to include the protection of patient safety in the report. The difficulties faced by EU citizens in accessing healthcare services while abroad constitute an obstacle to free movement. It is necessary to define more clearly the ambiguous regulations on reimbursements for medical services, as European citizens are finding the present-day provisions and rulings of the European Court of Justice unclear and difficult to understand. It might benefit patients if a database were to be set up with information on healthcare service providers in the other Member States. It would definitely improve the situation for patients, and would possibly eliminate long waiting lists for some services. The mass media are also in a position to contribute to improving the health status of the population. It would be a good idea to replace various ‘reality shows’ with programmes that use an attractive format to highlight nutrition-related issues, the neglect of which may ultimately contribute to the onset of obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Encouraging the mass media to focus on healthcare issues is also important in terms of state security at the moment, because of the threat of possible attacks in the form of bioterrorism. In case of an epidemic, the public would be better informed about the basic strategies for containing the spread of disease. It is necessary to focus more and allocate larger budgets to healthcare, as we know that it will be impossible to attain the Lisbon Strategy goals without having a healthy population."@en1
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