Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-03-15-Speech-3-350"

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". Mr President, Mr Graefe zu Baringdorf has once again done his duty as rapporteur with his usual enthusiasm, and on that I should like to congratulate him. I concur with the thrust of his conclusions. In the light of increasing liberalisation of trade in agricultural products, it is necessary for us to recognise more geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs at international level. His conclusions are completely justified therefore. What also comes into play for me is what precisely the definition of a geographical indication in Europe itself is. Mr Graefe zu Baringdorf mentioned the example of Parma ham, that that should originate in that region. I have always been puzzled by the fact that Germany, rather than the Netherlands, is the largest producer of Edam cheese, and I believe that that state of affairs should change. If we regulate this in the WTO – and I am pleased that he sees eye to eye with me on this – and we ask the others to recognise our products, it seems only natural to me that we also recognise theirs. I am not entirely of the same mind as Mr Graefe zu Baringdorf when he says that at present, there are only two quality categories of agricultural products in the European Union, namely those with geographical indications and those that are produced organically. Whilst this may be true at the moment, we must go much further. It is necessary to introduce a European quality mark for agricultural products. If we ask our farmers to respect animal welfare standards, environmental objectives, and suchlike, then it would be very unfair to expect those farmers to compete with the rest of the world, with farmers who do not need to adhere to those same standards. Since customers must be able to distinguish them in the shops, we must develop a quality mark for products other than geographical and organic ones."@en1

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