Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-03-13-Speech-1-082"
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"Madam President, Commissioner, trafficking in human beings is without question a fundamental abuse of human rights and one of the most wretched phenomena of the present day world. This modern form of slavery that we are witnessing should not be part of any civilised society. The trafficking is extensive in scale and takes its toll on hundreds of thousands of victims in Europe. It is estimated that the number of sexually abused women and girls amounts to 85% of all the victims.
In this context, I would like to comment on two issues. The European Convention against Trafficking serves as a legal instrument, but the Council of Europe’s website offers information indicating that thirteen European countries, EU Member States, have failed to sign this Convention, and none of the countries has ratified it so far. Even the European Community has not signed this document. How is Mr Frattini, the responsible Commissioner, going to deal with this issue? Secondly, I would like to question how we can fight effectively against human trafficking if demand goes essentially unnoticed, apart from some cases, and if these services continue to be tolerated. According to some analyses, Europeans spend billions of euros for such services and, as a result, demand becomes the driving force of this successful business.
I am looking forward to the strategy and the promised communication on action plans to combat human trafficking which, in my opinion, will offer an appropriate setting for continuing our discussion on these serious matters and for expressing our views."@en1
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