Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-02-14-Speech-2-229"

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"Madam President, for too long Europe has been dominated by the politics of fear: fear of globalisation, of immigration and of a race to the bottom. However, in reality, the fear is a fear of change. This is as true for Ireland as it is for every Member State. In Ireland, such fears have not been grounded on concrete economic analysis but on anecdotal evidence of the negative change that the Services Directive bring. It is vital, of course, that workers’ standards and conditions are protected and not undermined; guarantees have to be retained that the progress made on workers’ pay and conditions over the years is not undermined in any way. It is vital, therefore, that we support a compromise that ensures the effective control and enforcement of workers’ rights by keeping the original purpose of the directive. However, no barriers can protect us from the forces of globalisation. Europe needs to take a confident and unified step forward. The real danger for Europe is not the danger of a race to the bottom, but relates to the need for Europe to make sure that it is winning the race to stay ahead and that it does not sink to the bottom. Gaining a workable consensus on this directive will demonstrate to our citizens that the European Union is committed to, and capable of, competing globally. Further economic stagnation of European markets should be avoided. Most reforms start off as good intentions but can lose their original purpose in Parliament through amendments. We cannot allow a situation to develop in which, as one economist was quoted today as saying, ‘the Services Directive could end up as a good example of “death by Parliament”’. It is essential, as Commissioner McCreevy stated, that we deliver a better Services Directive which will unleash the enormous economic potential of the services sector in Europe."@en1

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