Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-12-12-Speech-1-171"

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". Mr President, first of all I would like to express my thanks to the honourable Members for the support voiced in this debate. I would like to underline that the Commission shares your commitment to fighting forms of discrimination in Member States. The Commission is prepared to urge all Member States to allocate the financial resources accordingly. Generally speaking, the Commission accepts all the amendments proposed by Parliament. I will not go through them individually, but will concentrate on the key issues. We support the amendments aimed at reinforcing the involvement of civil society and the implementation of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All. This will be a key factor in its success. We can accept the increased references to gender mainstreaming. We are fully in agreement with the fact that, during the Year, Member States should attach equal importance to all the grounds for discrimination set out under Article 13 of the Treaty, namely discrimination based on sex, ethnic or racial origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. It is acceptable to set up a simplified system for administrative management of the funds at national level, as proposed. We agree to the increase in the budget from EUR 13.6 million to EUR 15 million. To sum up, the Commission can accept all the amendments proposed. I conclude by warmly thanking the rapporteur, Mrs Roure, whose commitment to non-discrimination issues was instrumental in bringing the negotiations with the Member States to a successful conclusion. These went very quickly and were very rewarding. The text, which is submitted for your final approval, reinforces the Commission’s initial position and gives us the means to take action in favour of diversity throughout the European Union."@en1

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