Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-07-06-Speech-3-227"

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". Mrs Niebler has lent her backing to the Commission’s primary objective, which is to use this directive to simplify and clarify the law in force. I share her view that this new version of the directive represents a step in the right direction for Community law in the area of equal treatment between men and women. I support Mrs Niebler’s report, which draws attention to the need to meet the objective of modernising and simplifying Community legislation in the area of equality between men and women in matters of employment and occupation, in order to give greater clarity and legal certainty. The rapporteur rightly points out that it has not yet been possible to put an end to inequality between men and women. The legal conditions are there on paper, but we have yet to achieve success in this area, which is a key element of Europe’s social objectives."@en1

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