Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-06-07-Speech-2-272"

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lpv:spoken text
". The March 2005 European Council, in adopting the European Pact for Youth, stressed that integrating young people into society and working life and making better use of their potential is essential for growth in Europe. The pact aims to improve the education, training, mobility, vocational integration and social inclusion of young Europeans, whilst facilitating the reconciliation of family life and working life. The Commission has responded to the pact without delay. It has analysed the possibilities that the pact offers and has made proposals for action. We adopted a communication on 30 May this year, which has been transmitted to Parliament. At national level the pact, which is an integral part of the Lisbon Partnership for Growth and Jobs, will be implemented through the integrated guidelines proposed by the Commission and to be adopted by the Council in June. The guidelines call for action to reduce youth unemployment and to increase access to education and training. The communication outlines how Member States can implement the pact when preparing their national Lisbon reform programmes with reference to the guidelines. The communication draws attention to the demographic changes facing Europe. It emphasises the need to foster societies that are child- and youth-friendly and the need for solidarity in creating an inclusive Europe, building on solidarity between the generations. It indicates that Member States should follow the integrated guidelines in taking action for achieving a better family and work balance, for example providing facilities for childcare and care for other dependants as part of tackling demographic ageing and a low birth rate. The communication identifies actions at European level to support the pact: the use of the Social Inclusion Strategy to improve the situation of vulnerable young people; European Social Fund support for projects targeting young people in areas of employment, training and social inclusion; the development of a specific tool for recognition of youth work with a view to including a ‘Youthpass’ in Europass next year; and proposals for a European qualifications framework, hopefully also next year. As stressed by the European Council, the success of the pact depends on the involvement of all actors, especially youth organisations. The communication invites Member States to consult young people in developing measures for the pact and following it up. It announces the consultation that the Commission will undertake on youth policy, culminating in the Youth at the end of December 2005, to involve Members of the European Parliament and the Parliament itself, as well as young people, Commissioners and other policy makers."@en1
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