Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-05-05-Speech-3-028"

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"Mr President, I would like to thank Mr Prodi for presenting the new members of the Commission and also for the considerable efforts he made to secure the accession of the ten new States. In its negotiations with the European Union, Slovenia attempted to use its very best people. In this we succeeded. The team conducting these proceedings within the government of the Republic of Slovenia performed its task with distinction, naturally with the consensus of all the parliamentary parties. The proposed candidate for the new Slovenian Commissioner is undisputedly one of these people and I am therefore delighted that he has been nominated. Dr Potočnik's team, and before him Mr Bavčar's team, based their success on the fact that all their negotiating positions had been endorsed in the Slovenian parliament, which was something unique and an example of great cooperation on both sides. Mr Prodi, the ten, or rather twelve, new players will strengthen the fine team that you lead. If this team also cooperates closely with the European Parliament, it will be even more successful and that is something we must not forget."@en1

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