Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-05-04-Speech-2-160"

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". Madam President, to paraphrase words first uttered 500 years ago now spirits have awakened, and life has again become a pleasure. I recall these words today, first, to infuse optimism into those who are reluctant to rejoice in enlargement, and second, in order to draw attention to the need to create a new social order. Like a table, this order must have at least three legs. It needs an economic leg and a political leg. It also needs a cultural leg which must be equally strong. Without it, no table will stand, not even a round table like the one we sat round in Poland in the past. This is the conclusion I bring to integration based on Poland’s latest experiences. When I refer to culture, I have in mind all areas of human self-realisation. I am thinking of the theatre, school, office; stadiums, an honest market, along with Parliament, and the Polish parliament in particular. The Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment, Romanticism, and now Postmodernism are all bidding to be involved in the creation of the order I mentioned. Many artists, writers, and intellectuals also wish to be involved. They want to bring their creativity to bear on the political creation of a European identity. This will take years to accomplish. It is an exceedingly difficult task, particularly as regards ensuring the security of the culture of a multilingual Europe. Today we are debating difficulties related to partnership with our neighbours. I can identify a range of aspects of the relationship with our eastern neighbours. There is warm friendship and cold acquisitive greed. There is also mutual fascination and ethnic animosity, which poisons the intelligentsia. I have personal experience of all these, and so do many millions of the citizens of Central Europe. We know all about destruction and establishing new borders that are an affront to logic, morality, and dignity."@en1
"(Abbreviated in accordance with Rule 120 of the Rules of Procedure)"1

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