Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-31-Speech-3-118"

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". This is a process that has now reached the third and final stage of negotiations between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. This is a process that has been marked by pressure from big business – see, for example, the opinions of UNICE, the European employers’ federation – in order to avoid liability for direct damage to the environment, with the governments of some EU countries having defended these interests in the negotiations on this directive. Despite the fact that the agreement fails to include some of the proposals tabled by the European Parliament, by my parliamentary group in particular – and without going into detail on the fundamental issues it raises, on the concepts that it adopts, on its proper implementation and on all its consequences, in particular for small- and medium-sized enterprises this is a compromise that could help us better to combat damage to the environment, paying particular attention to damage caused by big business. As I have pointed out, policies on protecting the environment and natural resources are crucial to everyone’s future. Priority must be given to active policies and measures targeting prevention, research and support for access to technology, with particular emphasis on the problems and needs of micro, small- and medium-sized businesses."@en1

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