Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-31-Speech-3-062"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, may I ask for a moment of your attention for a point of order. Mr President, I am speaking because I would like to put a request to you, as the acting President, one I submitted last Monday to the President of this House and would now like to repeat. It is as follows: a Member of this House has made extensive allegations against his fellow-Members, relating to various matters, which this person alleges to be directed at other Members. I am personally affected by this, as are also many other Members from my country. These are allegations that I think should be examined. I make this request for myself personally, Mr President, but also on behalf of all 34 other German Social Democrat MEPs, and I am aware that Members of the other groups – the Greens, the PDS and the CDU/CSU – will also certainly have something to say about this. Accordingly, for my own part and on behalf of all my other colleagues, I ask that each individual accusation that has been made should be examined by the competent bodies of this House, especially the legal service and the college of quaestors, in close collaboration with the Court of Auditors and OLAF – every single one of these allegations! At the same time, Mr President, I request that the results of the examination of the objections should be made available before the end of the period of session of this Parliament – that is, by May – to the House and therefore the public. It is not acceptable, Mr President, for anyone to come and make allegations, so that an entire institution then has to justify itself. I request that, by due process involving the legal service, the quaestors, the Court of Auditors and OLAF, each of the allegations made should be examined and the results published. I ask this for myself and for all the other Members concerned."@en1

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