Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-31-Speech-3-023"

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"Mr President, it is with emotion that we receive and share the solidarity with the victims of the terrorist attacks of 11 March expressed by the Council, the Commission and particularly by you, Mr President Pat Cox. Furthermore, we support the proposal to dedicate that day to the memory of the victims of terrorism each year. We believe that the measures on police and judicial coordination and information, as well as the creation of a person responsible for combating terrorism at European level, are positive elements in the fight against terrorism, but we must not fall victim to the controlling and suspicious hysteria which the United States has demonstrated through the Patriot Act, with measures which violate human rights and the foundations of democracy and freedom. In fact, together with creating terror, that is one of the objectives of terrorists: to undermine democracy. In this regard, we do not agree with the proposals for police control which involve biometric and similar data. We believe that the response of Spain and Europe, which is so different from that of the United States following 11 September, is the right one. Instead of turning to aggression, military reaction and reducing freedoms or invading countries, we have placed the emphasis on police investigations in order to bring these criminals to justice. Europe’s international role can and must be aimed at achieving a fairer and more cooperative world, without poverty or inequality, which deprives the attackers of democracy and freedom, who must always be condemned, of any justification. Amongst these measures, with a completely different approach to that of the United States, are those which involve putting an end to the illegal and unjust occupation of Iraq and the recognition of the State of Palestine, in order to put an end to another equally murderous illegal occupation; that of Palestine by Israeli troops. We must hold a world conference against terrorism under the auspices of the UN, where the different measures can be explained: cooperation amongst police forces; structural problems: poverty, debt, inequality; the role of the financial institutions and also of the different commercial bodies; combating tax havens and money-laundering. These measures have also been mentioned by Mrs Doyle. Finally, with regard to the possible and desirable modification and completion of the European Constitution – which has been opened up following the appointment of Mr Zapatero as candidate for the Presidency of the Spanish Government, together with other movements in Europe – we believe it is important to take this opportunity, together with the necessary reform of the decision-making process, to achieve more democracy and solidarity in the European Constitution, with scrutiny by Parliament and by popular sovereignty with changes to the Stability Pact, which will lead to progress throughout Europe."@en1
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