Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-01-14-Speech-3-060"

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lpv:spoken text
". I wish to draw the attention of the presidency to the Euratom Treaty. This Treaty has been part of the EC since 1957. After 50 years this Treaty promoting nuclear energy is obsolete. However it, together with any new constitutional treaty, will be the Treaty of the EU. Many citizens will not accept this as the constitution of the EU and if referenda are held, as they must be in some states, I believe there will be no majority for a constitution promoting nuclear technology. I would like to thank you particularly Mr Ahern, President-in-Office of the Council, for joining with Austria and proposing a new convention on Euratom to review this treaty. I wish you success, as I am sure that the future of this new constitution depends on this happening. I regret that the Convention avoided this issue, and particularly regret that the delegate from the Verts/ALE Group, Johannes Voggenhuber, neglected to make progress on it, being drawn instead by a grand design for a new constitution. However, it is not too late: Austria and Ireland have led the way where others must follow."@en1

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