Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-09-23-Speech-2-191"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, we Socialists welcome Mr Maat’s report, on which I would like to make the following comments. As young people’s health is always of very great importance to us, we should be building up the school milk programme, rather than virtually freezing its current funding in the way that the Council has decided. Existing funds will not be enough for ten new Member States, and adequate funding for rural areas and their development, along with assuring the quality of food production, are equally indispensable. This is another area in which money must flow, and it is also important that it should be possible to move from measures to regulate the market to support for rural areas, which, at present a fragile sapling, may thus be enabled to put down strong roots and to flourish. As rapporteur of the temporary committee on foot and mouth disease, I can see that the enlargement of the European Union means that there must be significantly more investment in the prevention of epizootics. I am glad to hear Commissioner Fischler tell Mr Byrne that more money should find its way into research, as a calamity such as the one we have witnessed in Great Britain must not be allowed to happen again. What I would say in general terms to the Council is that trimming budgets as if you were mowing the lawn serves no useful purpose whatever, for the agricultural budget is not a quarry to be worked for the benefit of this or that other project. The right road ahead does not go by way of across-the-board cuts, and this House wants what was provided for in the Convention’s draft constitution – full powers of codecision and the abolition of the clear-cut dividing line between compulsory and non-compulsory expenditure. You can be certain that expert decision-making in both the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and the Committee on Budgets would then be guaranteed beyond doubt. Thank you for your attention."@en1
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