Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-05-14-Speech-3-042"

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"Mr President, today's interesting debate has allowed us to look at certain interesting things. The first interesting element – a positive element for me – is the revision of the views expressed by the chairman of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, Mr Poettering. The second interesting element is that certain people created a climate in favour of our thanking Mr Rumsfeld, who overturned Saddam, his old friend, because it looks like it means a pure revision of opinions. The third element is the effort and the positions to protect the cultural heritage of Iraq; this too is positive and I hope there will not be some people, in a few years' time, who maintain that the stolen exhibits are in various museums, just as the Acropolis marbles are in the British Museum, and that these antiquities or cultural monuments are better protected than they were in the countries in which they originated. In all events, today we face political premises. The only body that can resolve the problem and restore international relations where they need to be restored is the United Nations Organization. So, under these circumstances, the European Union and its members which are also members of the Security Council must make a contribution in this direction and the fact that the new resolution which is being discussed was again submitted jointly by certain members of the European Union and members of the Security Council is not a positive factor. I hope that the experience and problems will lead us to more positive thoughts, will lead the leadership of Europe to more positive prospects. However, there have to be certain principles. What are they? The Middle East, the wider area, for a number of years recently, if we want to take a brief look at history, has been absolutely tormented by various regimes, one after the other, in a bad era, a colonial era. If certain powers continue to endeavour to give answers to the area with similar variations, be they sultans or maharajas or emirs or puppet political prime ministers, Europe must not allow it. We 25 came here with an understanding of democracy, freedom and rights. We did not come with the intention of reproducing nineteenth century premises with new forms and new compromises."@en1

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