Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-12-19-Speech-4-082"

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". The Copenhagen Summit and its decision to enlarge the ΕU was a very important act of imperialist expansionism. The victims of this enlargement, who will swell the ranks of the exploited, will be the workers and small and medium-sized farmers in the enlarged ΕU, especially those in the new Member States, which are joining on even worse terms. The main purpose of making such derisory resources available is to strengthen the power of capital and tear down any social achievements left over from the socialist era. The fact that communist parties, support for communist ideas and the use of communist symbols are banned and senior communist party members and veterans of the anti-fascist movement have been gaoled in countries which supposedly meet democratic criteria is quite in keeping with the pseudo-democratic sensibilities of the leaders of the ΕU. The shotgun imposition of the – basically partition-based – Annan plan in Cyprus is also unacceptable and signals an end to the UN resolutions and any hope of a fair and viable solution. Not only did the summit provocatively ignore the question of war with Iraq, and later with other countries, it pushed ahead with the militarisation of the ΕU and reinforced the new ‘anti-terrorist’ ΝΑΤΟ. A final decision was taken on operations by the European army in the FYROM, with similar operations planned in Bosnia-Herzegovina."@en1

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