Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-12-19-Speech-4-072"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:translated text
". This agreement comes in the wake of other, equally scandalous agreements concluded by the European Community with various poor countries across the world and which fall directly in line with the repressive policies decided on by the governments and authorities of the European Union, concerning those who are attempting to escape poverty or oppression in the hope of finding work and a future here. What they can expect from this agreement is questioning, imprisonment and finally expulsion. This will be the fate at least of those who have not perished in the attempt to surmount the new obstacles put in their way by our leaders, who would like to turn Europe into a fortress surrounded by barbed wire. This agreement, which is particularly harsh on the poor, whom it considers to be undesirables, but reduces formalities required for businessmen, shows the true face behind the hypocritical mask – if we had not already seen it – of official speeches about Human Rights that this European Union claims it wishes to protect in Hong Kong or other countries."@en1

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