Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-05-14-Speech-2-136"

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". – The tourism industry is important for the future of EU Member States' economies and it is vital that the EU focuses its attention on tourism's future. Indeed, over the next ten years, employment in this industry is set to increase by a massive 15%. The tourism industry has benefited from the single currency and its continued growth is directly linked to the fact that EU citizens now possess more disposable income. However, we must not rest on our laurels but ensure that tourism remains dynamic and that this growth does not stagnate. This is why I fully endorse this report. Tourism become treaty based, not so that operators incur excessive regulation – indeed, the growth of the industry depends upon its ability to innovate independently – but so that it is seen as a serious European issue. This would also establish some kind of long-term and binding EU tourism strategy. This will guarantee that European tourism stays on target and caters for the future needs of Europe's holiday-makers."@en1

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