Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-02-04-Speech-1-043"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, I have to admit that I am speaking on behalf of a significant minority within our group. The drugs situation in Europe is becoming worse and worse. The fact that our borders are becoming ever more open is basically something to be welcomed, of course, but the downside of this is that smuggling, including drug smuggling, is on the increase. I am concerned that it looks as if more and more countries are abandoning clear and explicit restrictive attitudes to drug abuse. Our objective must be nothing other than a drugs-free Europe. Giving up that objective would be tantamount to leaving thousands of young people in the lurch. Mr President, I am well aware of Mr Oostlander’s problems in arriving at a balanced view. In general, I think he has succeeded. I welcome the more restrictive tone he has adopted here today, but there are wordings I do not agree with. What is absolutely clear is that the amendments are along completely the wrong lines. To embrace a permissive attitude towards so-called soft drugs would be devastating. We know that these are the gateway to heavy drug abuse. We Swedish Liberals, and a large proportion of the Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party in general, will vote against attempts to relax the strict and clear policy on drugs. We reject Amendments Nos 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35 and 37. We are able to accept Amendments Nos 32 and 36."@en1

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