Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-01-16-Speech-3-218"

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". Mr President, Commissioner, the Committee on Foreign Affairs has examined the Commission proposal and basically agrees with its approach. However, it notes that the CFSP is dealt with as an economic and development issue rather than as a defence and safety issue, with all that implies for Europe. This is in all probability due to the fact that the CFSP is still under development. In this sense, I suppose that this proposal will mature at the next stage, as far as foreign policy and defence systems are concerned. As far as the content is concerned, I have several comments to make. First, there is a medley of policies in the Member States, which need to be more or less unified. Secondly, on the question of the strategic use of space: the strategic use of space is unavoidable but it must be used for peaceful purposes such as Petersberg-type tasks. In all events, our committee is opposed to the type of strategic mentioned in the famous Star Wars policy. It will, nonetheless, need to be used for missile interception installations in space and during wars, which destroy satellites. Having said that, I believe that we need to push forward with this policy, on which we agree, our criteria being that these methods must be used for peaceful applications, policies must be unified and any action taken must be integrated into a single European policy because, in the final analysis, Europe must not be dependent for its safety, communications and security on the satellite systems of either the United States of America or Russia. In this sense, quite apart from the fact that this initiative is of interest from a development point of view, it will also be of political interest and must therefore be considered crucial to the common foreign defence and security policy of Europe."@en1

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