Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-11-28-Speech-3-080"

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"Early this afternoon the President felt she needed to cut short and postpone the opportunity for Members to raise this matter. She felt she had to prioritise the debate on the future of Europe. But the future of Europe will be nothing if our people do not support us. This case is a perfect example of the impact on individuals of the quality or otherwise of European integration. Parliament had a chance to show its relevance to people and missed it in prime time. Our motion now clashes with the Presidential debate where most of our colleagues are. I find it difficult to believe that after nearly three weeks it has been impossible to clarify, let alone hear, the charges against the 12 Britons. I am also puzzled about the role the Greek air force has reportedly had in reviewing the charges as opposed to an independent prosecutor. The defendants have not had an opportunity to challenge the evidence in open court and now the higher tribunal to which the case has been referred is to be held in secret. Mr Souladakis said earlier that the Greek criminal justice authorities had respected all relevant rights. I am surprised that the European Convention on Human Rights is so weak. We might need a Europe-wide review with a view to reinforcing those standards and we certainly need that in parallel with the European arrest warrant. I call on the Greek authorities to clarify the charges, release the defendants on bail and hold a trial in open court by Friday of this week."@en1

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