Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-11-28-Speech-3-055"
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"Mr President, you said that openness, efficiency and bringing the EU closer to the people were to be important issues at Laeken. I could not agree with you more about that.
Following the not entirely successful compromise in Nice, the Irish referendum and, according to many opinion polls, growing scepticism towards the EU project in quite a few Member States, there are high expectations of the Laeken Summit, with changes to the EU anticipated. The EU must become more intelligible and citizen-friendly. A clear constitution is needed, explaining how the EU is governed and who does what. The EU must cut back on the work it does and concentrate on the cross-border problems. I do not believe people want the EU to do more in all areas. Instead, they want it to deliver the goods in those areas it has made its own, taking decisions openly. It is completely unacceptable for it to legislate behind the closed doors of the Council of Ministers.
If it is to be possible to simultaneously enlarge and deepen the EU, we must involve people and win back their trust. That is not something we can do through fine declarations and constitutional exercises of an academic nature, but through genuine reforms and political courage. I hope the rest of the European Council is as courageous as the Belgian Presidency."@en1
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