Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-10-22-Speech-1-115"

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"Mr President, on behalf of my group, I would like to thank Mr Goebbels for all the energy and intellect he has invested in his report. We regret that the motion for a resolution presented to us does not in the end meet the expectations of the explanatory statement which he had drawn up, and that is why we have thought it appropriate to introduce certain amendments aimed at reinforcing the political message of the report. The first category of amendments relates to the ‘organisational’ aspect of the International Monetary Fund, which we believe to be currently in an unacceptable situation. That is why we are taking up an idea put forward by Jacques Delors, in this case that of an economic and social security council within the United Nations. We would like the Commission and the Council to express their views on this issue at the Council to be held next spring in Barcelona. Furthermore, we believe that the decision-making procedures and the composition of the governing body of the International Monetary Fund should be substantially reviewed. The second great area on which we would like to express our view is the need to combat terrorism, which has an extremely important financial dimension. This is why we feel there is an additional reason to make the recommendations of the FATF binding and to increase its mandate, as also requested by the European Council in Ghent. I believe that this would supplement the report. Finally, with regard to capital flows – in particular exchange operations – I will say no more, personally, about the Tobin tax, but I will nevertheless continue to demand an in-depth debate on taxes which could discourage speculative assaults on the currencies of a number of countries. In this respect, I believe there are some interesting proposals that deserve to be supported."@en1
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