Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-06-11-Speech-1-066"

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lpv:spoken text
"Mr President, the only way to catch international and organised criminals is for our police, prosecutors and judges to work together. Anyone who opposes such moves must be prepared to justify traffickers and paedophiles getting off scot-free. I congratulate Mrs Klamt and Mrs Karamanou, but on some points my group is not entirely happy. The first problem, in both reports, is the tendency to be too prescriptive and interfering in the detail of Member States' criminal justice systems. The first example is penalties. It is quite right to harmonise the maximum sentences, so that wherever a criminal flees, he risks the same penalty – no hiding place. But it is not appropriate either to stipulate that the penalty in connection with trafficking must be a prison sentence or to lay down minimum penalties. I do not always agree with the Council, but I agree with its view that approximation of the criminal law of the Member States could be necessary for certain specific types of offences, but when approximating criminal law the specificity of the national systems has to be taken into account. Both reports are also too prescriptive on the treatment of victims and witnesses, and fail to take differing national arrangements into account. Turning to the definition of child pornography in the Karamanou report, my group has problems with the definition which includes creating the impression that the person depicted is a child. This will give rise to endless argument and is not a sound basis for a legal definition. It is better to target pornography which exploits real children, not pretend ones. I also wish to draw attention to Amendment No 38 from the ELDR, which would make access to sex offenders' registers subject to data protection rules. Lastly my group agrees with the referral back to committee of Mrs Klamt's report, for the reasons she gave."@en1
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