Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-04-04-Speech-3-103"

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"Mr President, Council representatives, Commissioner, as you will certainly have understood from the applause, we value your work and your efforts to find good, pragmatic solutions and work together with Parliament, as well as the progress which you have chalked up on the scoreboard. I am delighted at the commitment of the Swedish Presidency, even if a great many problems still remain to be resolved. But, that notwithstanding, allow me to draw your attention to three problem areas, parts of which have already been addressed, namely the deficits which we have, secondly, the solutions which we still need, because the proposals seem to bear no relation to reality and, thirdly, the uncoordinated initiatives by Member States. I shall start with the last point. You have my support here, Commissioner. You feel that we need a new modus operandi here. We spend a great deal of time on parallel initiatives which very often have no legal basis and which we often suspect are nationally motivated rather than concerned with finding European solutions. We need an efficient mechanism for pushing ahead with the positive aspects here. The second point is that there has been a dramatic increase in both drug abuse in the European Union and in drug production, especially the production of synthetic drugs, in the European Union. In the meantime, there are now over 5 million young people taking synthetic drugs. The European Union has become the biggest producer and exporter of synthetic drugs in the world. And if we look at the scoreboard, then we can see that very little action has been taken. An initiative plan was submitted in 2000, but no further action was taken. I would ask for this to be made a new focal point. Finally, I should like to mention one more thing. Where there is no bearing on reality, as in the case of family reunion ..."@en1

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