Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-03-12-Speech-1-122"

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"Mr President, the aim of the proposed regulation on sugar, which comes under the austere budgetary approach agreed in Berlin, is to make drastic cuts to overall agricultural spending. In order to justify these spending cuts, an attempt is made to paint a dismal picture of the current situation, thereby paving the way for drastic restrictions on quotas, prices and farmers' incomes and, ultimately, drastic cuts in Community production. In order to avoid the social tensions which directly applying such pioneering measures would provoke, the Commission's chosen method is to apply them gradually, until such time as they can all be applied, without respite, under a new regulation to be approved and to apply from the 2003-2004 marketing year. As part of this method, it proposes to freeze nominal prices at 1983-84 levels for a further two years, thereby cutting actual prices and incomes, irrespective of the fact that the extended freeze on sugar beet prices eroded actual prices by 33% between 1982 and 1999. It also proposes to reduce quotas by 115 000 tonnes and to abolish storage so that the Community budget can save EUR 300 million a year. These proposals will drastically reduce the actual price of beet and farmers' incomes. Further reductions in quotas, together with similar cuts in all agricultural produce, will leave even more farmers high and dry and yet, there is not a single proposal as to what crops they should grow. Because these transitional measures form part of systematic cuts across the board..."@en1

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