Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-02-13-Speech-2-081"

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". I wholeheartedly support this report by Mr Dover which aims to improve working conditions for young people in Britain. It supports the view that the UK falls into line with a 1994 directive which limits the working hours of young people to eight hours a day or 40 hours a week and bans night work, although it provides for exceptions in special circumstances and for certain kinds of work. Employment, particularly youth employment, is of course extremely important for both our young people and our economy. We must not do anything to harm the job prospects of young people in Britain. Sometimes, however, employers take advantage of our young workers and force them to work unnecessarily long hours. Long hours and difficult working conditions are extremely dangerous and can be harmful to the health and productivity of our young people. It is therefore vital that working hours are monitored and that employers are prevented from exploiting youngsters at work. Exploitation is harmful and irresponsible. We must act to curb it and ensure that our young people are protected from exploitation and its destructive effects by hard-pressed or greedy employers. The legislation for reducing the working hours for young people already exists. We just need to make sure that it is used. The sensible measures put forward by the Commission should encourage the utilisation of these measures. I find it ironic that the Tories who constantly argue against Brussels bureaucrats interfering and who opposed this legislation, do in fact support this report on social policy. This illustrates their totally schizophrenic attitude towards Europe. The Labour Government is at the forefront of providing jobs for our young people and also measures to protect them at work. I strongly urge the House to show its support for the protection of young people in Britain and to vote in favour of this report."@en1

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