Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-09-04-Speech-1-100"

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"Mr President, the majority of my group considers that, unfortunately, the unambitious and technical nature of Mr Galeote Quecedo’s report means that it fails to live up to its fine title of a common Community diplomacy. In particular, I feel that it is a mistake to deny, as Mr Galeote Quecedo has done, that the political aim of his report is the gradual creation of a common diplomacy as the expression of a common policy. This is to ignore the reality that what we have at the moment is a discordant, incoherent chorus of European countries and their 14 thousand or so diplomats, compared to the 3 500 diplomats of the United States. We should simply supplement the 15 diplomatic corps with another, more or less competent corps, made up of European Union officials or, as is the case today precisely in Commissioner Patten’s entourage, national diplomats, possibly including more representatives from some countries than others. I also feel that the debate on Commissioner Verheugen’s statements indicated extremely clearly that it is not possible for the Union to carry out its external activities in the context of such a lack of cohesion and such frustration caused by the confusion of powers and responsibilities. Commissioner Patten, you have already spoken on this subject, Commissioner Verheugen will also do so, and then each of the Member States will give their opinion. This means that the message we send to the European citizens can only be contradictory. The group of the Greens/European Free Alliance will support Amendments Nos 5 and 6 tabled by Mr Dupuis, which introduce the political agenda of a common diplomacy and the proposal to start establishing European Union embassies in those countries where not all the countries of the Union are represented. I hope that others will also support these amendments."@en1

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