Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-09-04-Speech-1-090"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, the two reports in question, particularly Mr Valdivielso’s report, deal with one of Europe’s problems in great detail. The Mediterranean’s location as a major geographical point in terms of the stability and security of our continent has already been mentioned. This is all very well, but there is another issue underlying many of the points made in Mr Valdivielso’s report: a gap is forming between the absolute priority status of enlargement and the development of relations with the Mediterranean countries, which gives cause for concern. The Mediterranean is, in actual fact, an area which is still marked by zones of real poverty, and it is an area where the standard of living and quality of life are such as to require a major European presence. Whatever we are able to do to boost development of the private sector, to improve the conditions under which small and medium-sized enterprises operate, to modernise infrastructures and encourage the promotion of investments, industrial cooperation and trade, will be gratefully received, for hitherto there has been no support for the economic and production networks of the partner countries and industrial cooperation has played an extremely minor role due to the lack of direct support programmes and joint initiatives between European companies and partner countries. Therefore, we need simpler administration, a more strategic approach and rapid execution of programmes, for this might actually benefit the small and medium-sized enterprises rather than consultancy firms or financial brokers. I would like to end with a reference to the agricultural sector. The establishment of a free-trade area in the Mediterranean is, of course, a goal to strive towards, but first we must analyse carefully the plight of Mediterranean agriculture and Mediterranean farmers, and, before we do anything else, we must use the common agricultural policy to rectify an extremely dangerous drop in the income levels of our farmers in precisely the poorest area of Europe."@en1
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