Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-06-13-Speech-2-102"

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"Mr President, I believe that the objective of achieving greater protection for the consumer in relation to tobacco consumption is absolutely shared by all of us. To this end, it also seems to me to be fair and beyond all doubt that the tobacco industry will have to adapt to stricter conditions of manufacture, presentation and sale, such as those proposed by this directive. In this respect, I congratulate Mr Maaten on his work. Nevertheless, we cannot put the cart before the horse if we want this work to succeed. The reality is that Europe produces and exports tobacco and, furthermore, its cultivation is subject to significant subsidies. As has been pointed out, this does not just involve the interests of the large multinationals. It involves the legitimate and fair way of life of hundreds of modest families. If we wish to prohibit these subsidies, let us prohibit them, but not without truly seeking alternatives which are proven to be viable. With regard to exports, it seems logical that the European Union should apply the same levels of content for cigarettes for consumption within the internal market as for those intended for exports. In this respect, a proposal of time limits may seem logical. However, we cannot deny or forget the authority of each state to manage the risks within its own society. If we believe that we can and must teach someone something, we must do so firstly – and this has been said here – through education and increasing awareness and not through an imposition which has dubious results as an instrument for reducing the consumption of tobacco."@en1
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