Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-03-16-Speech-4-228"

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"Mr President, for a long time, cigarette smuggling has had a rather romantic appeal in Italy, which it acquired particularly after the war thanks to the influence of neorealist films. However, the events taking place in Puglia and the South of Italy are not at all romantic. Quite the opposite. The tragic death of two customs and excise officers is a European issue as well as a question of Italian public safety, and it is not just a question of European safety, but also, and above all, an issue which has a bearing on our relations with our neighbours across the Adriatic. The European Union is making a substantial contribution to the reconstruction of the former Yugoslavia. The actions of the local authorities and our initiatives to assist them are absolutely vital elements in the fight against organised crime, and are therefore also crucial for the safety of Europeans. We regret that the joint resolution did not take up our suggestion to make the new reconstruction programmes conditional upon an undertaking by the governments of the former Yugoslavia to cooperate actively in the fight against organised crime. However, we hope that the Council and the Commission will be able to mobilise these governments through their endeavours and that an effective action of this kind will be instigated at the Conference scheduled for 19 and 20 May, in which both institutions are to take part."@en1

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