Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/1999-09-14-Speech-2-056"

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"Mr Prodi, you expressed the wish to restore the trust of citizens in the building of Europe and in the European Union. Our view is that a great deal of the disrepute of the European Union is related to its inability to fight effectively against the ravages of all-pervading neo-liberalism. The Members here present who have all conducted campaigns in which the debate focussed on the urgency of the social situation and the fight for greater employment, have been elected to ensure real progress towards a Europe of employment. The work programme which you presented today, as you have reported it to us and as it has been implemented for several years now, does not live up to expectations. The Greens are proposing a number of measures on the active, global and massive reduction of working hours, and on support for sustainable economic activities, which are creating employment, in sectors such as the construction of accommodation, public transport, renewable energy. We also think there is an urgent case for measurement and harmonisation of minimum social values on the European scale. We are obviously not unaware of the fact that there is no consensus within the European Union, and within this Parliament indeed, on this work programme and programme to combat job insecurity and unemployment. However, we think it a matter of urgency, and it is a matter of responsibility, to permit public debate on these matters. That is why we are totally aggrieved at the exclusion of the European Parliament from the employment process resulting from Cologne and we formally request, Mr Prodi, that you do all that you can to ensure that Parliament can regain its proper place in this employment process."@en1
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