Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2017-07-04-Speech-2-686-000"

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"Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner for his paper and to convey my apologies, as I listened to part of your contribution, Commissioner, because another meeting, on Brexit and the budget, beckoned. So we were linked, but not in the same room. I have studied this paper and I am happy that you have set out scenarios that are not all pessimistic, because I was concerned – certainly as a Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development I was concerned – that the narrative in this debate was about taking money from the common agricultural policy and giving it to new areas or to other policy areas. I think that the idea of robbing Peter to pay Paul is unhelpful. It is very unhelpful to say to the rural parts of Europe that they must lose funds to other policy areas. There are some interesting ideas in this paper, and some challenging ideas too around possible reforms of the common agricultural policy, including the distribution of payments, and some food for thought around how we will design a policy that meets the challenges of climate change and biodiversity and delivery. But let us not forget the income challenge in agriculture and in rural areas. It is frankly enormous, so this paper is really important. We also need to hear from the Commission, and I think Commissioner Hogan will be delivering on the commitment on sustainable food supply chains, and on action to tackle unfair trading practices. So I think we are making progress – and thank you, Commissioner."@en1

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