Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2017-06-13-Speech-2-527-000"

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"Mr President, when discussing the Democratic Republic of the Congo in this Chamber six months ago, there was some hope that the deal brokered by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference would pave the way for elections by the end of this year, ending the political stalemate, and President Kabila’s 16 year—long rule. Today, no progress has been made in implementing the terms of that agreement and the general security situation has actually worsened. This is particularly the case in the Kasai province, where security forces and members of the Kamuina Nsapu militia continue to clash regularly. Reports suggest that in the last five months, 500 people have been killed in the fighting and a further 1.3 million people have fled the area. In North Kivu province, meanwhile, concerns remain about the activities of rebel groups including the March 23rd Movement and the Islamist militia known as Allied Democratic Forces. The latter has been accused by the government of being responsible for an attack on a prison just a couple of days ago – an attack in which 11 people were killed and over 900 prisoners escaped. As similar security threats manifest themselves across the country, the urgency for President Kabila to go and to have fresh elections to be called becomes ever more necessary. Certainly, his justification that the country cannot afford elections is frankly ridiculous."@en1

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