Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2016-01-19-Speech-2-536-250"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:spoken text
"I voted against this non legislative and non-binding report. The report called for the EU to spend more money to spread information on European financing instruments. UKIP opposes the EU spending taxpayer’s money especially to put out such propaganda. There was a call to create an EU award for the best project that combats youth employment – this would be a complete waste of money and nothing more than a vanity project for the EU. It called for Member States to follow EU country-specific recommendations. It also wanted the EU to interfere with Member States’ education and national curriculum, suggesting what subjects should be taught – the EU has no competence in this area. It also called for more money and support for mobility programmes such as Erasmus which advertises British jobs across the EU. UKIP is the only party against open door immigration and will protect British jobs. The only people that should decide any of these things are our elected and accountable government, not unelected bureaucrats in Brussels."@en1

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