Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-12-16-Speech-3-557-625"

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lpv:spoken text
"This report seeks to develop a base metals industry in Europe which is sustainable in the long term and both maintains and develops this important sector. People who work in the steel industry are losing their jobs, both in the UK and across the EU, as the sector confronts its most serious peacetime crisis ever, facing a combination of rising steel prices, social dumping, an influx of cheap Chinese steel and increasing energy costs. We will not be able to solve this problem on our own. By working together at EU level we can put pressure on the Chinese Government over steel dumping and come up with Europe-wide solutions to these problems. In the upcoming work on Phase IV of the ETS, Labour MEPs will work to ensure that the system of free carbon allowances addresses the issue of carbon leakage. Should this not be sufficient, the Commission should, as a last resort, examine the feasibility of a carbon border adjustment mechanism linked to the ETS. Labour MEPs will continue to work on this issue and call on the UK Government to take strong and effective action at national level to support the steel industry and stop massive direct and indirect job losses in this sector."@en1

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