Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-10-28-Speech-3-1334-000"

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"Mr President, I am not in my usual seat because I have had a small injury and am on crutches, so I am not even in the proper political part of the Chamber. This is just to explain to everyone where I am sitting/standing. However let us get on to the very important issue of ‘smart borders’. This Smart Borders package, which will take us into the next Presidency – where there is a lot of interest in this matter, and I have spoken briefly to the Minister – is one which has many deep civil liberties implications, but as you have heard from my questions – and we have one of our rapporteurs here, Ms Fajon – has many technical aspects. We in the LIBE Committee want to get these technical aspects discussed openly and transparently, but we are also concerned with the many civil liberties aspects, so I look forward to the debate today and I am very pleased that the Members here present will give their best to ensure that the Smart Borders Package begins to make sense to all of us today. On behalf of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), allow me to present the oral question which we have tabled to the Council and to the Commission. It is good to see again Commissioner Avramopoulous and, of course, our Presidency, which we know has been working incredibly hard over the past few days. The Smart Borders Package is one which we have debated on a number of occasions in the past, including in this Chamber. The reason for this is very simple. The original proposal that the Commission presented in 2013 had so many technical problems that in the committee we did not even proceed to the stage of preparing draft reports. Since then, we have been in a discussion process with the other institutions and in a process of verifying what technical options we have. It is this process that we are continuing today. We have presented a series of questions to the Council and Commission and we are looking forward to their responses. From the Commission we would like to receive an update regarding the new proposals. Specifically, does the Commissioner intend to present a single legislative proposal which would be complemented by a modification of the Schengen Borders Code to take account of the systems at the border, or would it present two separate proposals which would also be complemented by a modification of the Schengen Borders Code? Also, when does it intend to present the announced revised proposals, and could the Commission outline its main ideas for the revised proposals and its intended purpose? The following questions are also addressed to both the Council and the Commission. We are interested to know whether they consider an envisaged entry/exit system and registered traveller programme to be appropriate and adequate responses to the current and future situation at the EU’s external border, given the constant increase in the number of border crossings and, if so, why? Do they consider the envisaged entry and exit system to be an appropriate instrument for reducing the number of so-called overstayers and, if so, why? What are the views of the Council and Commission as regards access for law enforcement purposes? What are their views as to the intended purposes and what are their thoughts on the systems as regards the architecture, biometric identifiers and data retention periods? And to what extent may the European Court of Justice’s ruling on data retention impact on the proposals as they stand? What are their views regarding upgrading the existing tools to achieve the intended objectives of the entry and exit system and the registered traveller programme, regarding the interoperability and compatibility of various IT systems that already exist with regard to the Smart Borders Package? Finally, for the Council specifically, what is the Council’s view on the costs of the Smart Borders Package, in particular those that are not fully covered by the Internal Security Fund?"@en1

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