Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-10-06-Speech-2-491-625"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:spoken text
"I voted in favour of the mobilisation of €6 958 623 from the EGF in the case of 2 692 made redundant at Adam Opel AG and one supplier. This is one of many applications we have received for workers in the motor industry (to date 21 EGF applications) which has been hit particularly hard by both the economic crisis and globalisation. Within the industry this is particularly true for manufactures of small and medium-sized vehicles in the medium price band of which Adam Opel AG is one. This is evidenced by the fact that while the number of newly registered cars in the EU saw a drop of 25% between 2007 and 2013, sales of Opel/Vauxhall-branded cars in Europe fell by 39% for the same period. Also the Ruhr area has faced large redundancies before and further redundancies in the steel industry are expected towards the end of the year. It is crucial then that the German authorities decided to initiate the implementation of the personalised services to the affected workers on 1 January 2015, well ahead of the decision and even the application on the granting the EGF support for the proposed coordinated package and similarly I welcome the speedy evaluation time by the Commission and Parliament."@en1

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