Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-07-06-Speech-1-188-000"

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"Mr President, there is a sense of déjà vu in this debate. Grizzled old lags like myself and, perhaps, Mr Nicholson remember the debates with Mrs Fischer Boel as Commissioner a number of years ago. Colleagues, there is a structural problem in the European milk market, and as long as our farmers remain price takers, the sector will lurch from crisis to crisis. Commissioner Hogan, I very much appreciated your robust defence of the range of tools available to the Member States to intervene in their own markets and rebalance them in favour of primary producers, and I was very much struck by your phrase that the milk package has yet to achieve its potential. I absolutely do agree with you, so perhaps a bit of impetus from the Commission in naming and shaming those States that have not taken advantage of compulsory contracts, local processing, producer organisations, local labelling, school milk schemes, would help us have some clarity domestically on the fact that the solution to our milk crisis is very often closer to home. Could I suggest that if you are looking to be naming and shaming, then you start with the United Kingdom, because there are plenty of Scottish farmers who are suffering, as we do not have the tools to rebalance the market in Scotland ourselves, but London does."@en1

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