Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-04-28-Speech-2-357-000"

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lpv:spoken text
"I gave my support to the Torvalds report because it offers a step towards the development of an advanced policy on biofuels that benefits EU citizens. I specifically welcome the fact that my group was able to push through wording on respecting the waste hierarchy, and protections for indigenous peoples’ land rights. I also applaud that this legislation will help reduce CO2 emissions from transport and curb the undesired effects induced by indirect land use change caused by biofuels. Unfortunately, due to the reluctance of the Council and the Commission, there has been a missed opportunity to make headway on developing an advanced policy on biofuels that delivers real benefits for the climate while offering a strong regulation for safeguarding the stability of investment and jobs. However, thanks to the introduction of a review clause championed by my group, the door has been left open for further legislation. I urge the Council and the Commission to seriously reflect on the crucial importance of a directive on fuel quality and renewable energy that truly responds to the EU’s ambitious goals in the fields of climate, energy, jobs, development assistance and, last but not least, the achievement of sound policy coherence between all these fields."@en1

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