Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2014-09-16-Speech-2-229-000"

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"Madam President, as the proverb goes, a tyrannical king once asked a wise man, ‘What shall I do for the betterment of our people?’ The wise man replied, ‘The best thing you could do for your people is to remain in bed until noon so that for this brief period you shall not afflict mankind’. Horizon 2020 focuses on research to create growth and jobs, but when you are spending more than you earn you have got to cut something. We need research, even if I prefer that to come through the Member States rather than from the EU. But how about starting with EU overregulation? The European Union should operate according to the principle of subsidiarity. Everything that could be dealt with at a local level should be dealt with at a local level. Last week I visited a charity, the Blyth Resource Initiative Centre, in my constituency. It helps unemployed people back to work. It works with local businesses, provides training and is hamstrung by regulations when it wants to expand. In Redcar, in my constituency, I visited a food bank where even some people who are in employment are now finding need of food parcels and where people who used to run successful businesses now find themselves in similar need. When will this place realise that what business needs is not more EU regulations, but for regulators to follow the lead of the unjust king and stay in bed until midday and give business the chance to recover? That is where the cuts should take place. It is very simple. This place pays lip service to the concept of subsidiarity but throws the principle out every day of the week, without batting an eyelid, while the payments problem represents all of the reasons why the EU does not work, cannot work and will not work."@en1

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