Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2014-07-02-Speech-3-168-000"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:spoken text
"Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, tanti auguri e buona fortuna Primo ministro Renzi e ministro Mogherini per la Presidenza italiana. Io sono un grande italofilo nonostante io sia inglese. Ho sempre amato l'Italia, adesso però parlerò nella lingua di Shakespeare, mi dispiace. The EU rotating presidency has a major role to play in the European neighbourhood policy and one of its members, Jordan, is now facing an existential threat from the terrorist onslaught by ISIS. What more can the European Union do during the Italian Presidency to support this moderate monarchy and key ally in peace with Israel and peace in the region and a two-state solution? Secondly, given Rome’s traditional closeness to Moscow, we need some reassurances from you and your government that any further aggression by President Putin against Ukraine will trigger EU sectoral economic sanctions as a consequence. We cannot allow annexation and illegal seizure of territory to prevail with our Eastern Partnership partners of Ukraine, Moldova or Georgia. Lastly, given the crisis in Syria and Iraq, what do you think of the referendum announced by President Barzani for an independent Kurdistan?"@en1

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