Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2014-02-26-Speech-3-596-000"

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"Mr President, I too am happy to endorse the report on the EU action in the field of health programmes which will continue to provide key funding for valuable scientific research whilst also strengthening the framework already in place within our healthcare systems, which naturally are generally reserved for the Member States, but of course there is room for coordination at EU level. I particularly support the programme’s emphasis on the Member States being helped as they continue to adapt to the rapidly changing ageing demographics. Europe’s ageing population has significantly changed the nature of the population pyramid and this demographic revolution will continue to present Member States with significant challenges in terms of public spending and allocation of resources. In my constituency of London we are quite lucky with 34[nbsp ]% of the population being under the age of 24, but that is the exception for a young population; it will not last and the ageing demographic challenge will pose considerable challenges in future for all Member States. It is therefore imperative that we continue to develop healthcare infrastructures to reflect these demographic changes in our society, and as a doctor I was particularly pleased to vote in favour of this report."@en1

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